About Us

One Vision

ONE Co-Operative was born from a vision; a vision of a world where every man, woman, and child could live happily, peacefully, free of the shackles of an old system, in a way that regenerates the Earth and honours all life, where food is abundant, personal autonomy and safety is a given, and humans are supported to become self-realised, liberated, and empowered contributors towards a common purpose. This vision is not unique. There are communities globally that are already self-governed, such as Mondragon in Spain. But imagine that this structure, this possibility, was available to everyone? ONE Co-Operative is a collective dreaming that has been given life and momentum through the hearts and inspired action of a growing tribe of people in all walks of life who share an intention to bring this vision to life, GLOBALLY. Given the state of the world, we can no longer ignore this beckoning. The time is now. And it starts with growing food.

It is our intention to not only provide a solution for our members living in rural areas, but for those in suburban cities and townships also. We are providing an answer to the current economic crisis and worldwide state of affairs. And the answer is to focus our collective attention not on fixing the old, but creating the New.

Our proposed models begin with growing food, and incorporate all twelve sectors of community. At the core of our vision, is to create localised community hubs, sanctuaries for all beings, where members are living in accordance with nature, her cycles and natural lore. Individually and as an organisation, we are un-learning the programs of worldliness, and learning from our greatest teachers – NATURE and the INDIGINOUS TRIBES who have come before us. Our intention is not only to grow food for humans, but to support humans to grow to their Divine potential. By making ethical and sustainable choices that restore our planet’s natural resources, we can live with all our needs met in a way that does not take from life, but is always engaging in a dance of reciprocity and honour.

This is a call out to those who hear the beckoning. Come and be a part of the evolution of humanity. We are dreaming this vision into the now, together, as ONE.

One Mission